Welcome to my Writing Progress Journal!!

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Writing Notebook

Writing the whiles away blinkie Should be writing blinkie Probably isn't blinkie

My Progress


The final Word Crawl Wednesday of November! T-T I can't believe it's already almost over. While I may have separate for NaNo as an org, I will miss everyone frantically writing together like on the WCWs. Anyway, I wrote a very solid 2,209 bringing me to 24,934.


I wrote for a solid 15 minutes. lmao. I didn't have much time between other things so this was actualy quite nice. A solid 159 words bringing me o a total of 22,725.


I kind of wrote on and off slowly today while doing other things. It was nice and actually relaxing which made writing more fun than it's been in a while. I got a juicy 900 words bringing my total for the month to 22,566. ^.^


It has once again been a while. lmao. Rest assured I've been writing but just not updating here. I currently sit at 21,666 words written this month and my goal for the full month is still 35k but if I don't hit it it's no biggie. It will help me set a more realistic goal for next month. Probably something like 25k. I've also been tracking how long I'm writing for each session so I can calculate an hourly goal for writing. I think that might be more useful for me than words. Words puts an unhealthy focus on how much I'm physically writing without the time dedicated to brain storming and just thinking about the story and how it goes together.


Woops, it's been a while!! But I managed to write 1137 words today. Bringing me to 18837 words. I've also lowered my monthly goal to 35k which is a lot more doable for me.

I've decided instead of doing NaNoWriMo in full (or tbh ever again) I'm going to aim for a small word count or maybe even hours spent writing goal each month. I'll probably keep track of it here. ^.^


Oooof, I am having some thoughts. About writing. About NaNoWriMo. So I thought I'd lay them out here.

  1. I cannot write the way I did when I was young. I cannot just sit and pour out thousands of words. I don't have the imagination that works that fast any more and my hands are still paying for the 5k I wrote on Sunday. They've been swollen and sore for two days.
  2. Clearly, I am feeling burnt out with writing. This could be from the rough week (month) I've been having, it could be the 5k in one day, it could be from trying to do everything. But either way, I stare at my document and I know what I want to write next! I know where it's going but I'm just so tired.
  3. Re:NaNoWriMo, I just don't know that it's feasible for me anymore. Nearly 2k a day for a month is too hard. And I think it's part of the reason I struggle to write the rest of the year. I love the community it fosters, since writing can be so lonely, but I think it's ultimately detrimental to my writing.
  4. NaNoWriMo as an org is...not necessarily something I want to support any more. Last year, when I was an ML, I had a...not great experience with how HQ treated me and the other MLs in my region. And now they're shutting down the forums instead of addressing issues, and basically imploding. I don't know that I want to support that anymore.

So while I'm still going to write as much as possible this month, I think I'm not truly aiming for the 50k anymore. I think once I recover, I'll aim for writing everyday instead of writing a certain amount everyday.


I wrote an amazing 5272 words today!! I ran an all day word crawl in my region's server and it majorly helped me get some words as well as clean my house! It was the house clean crawl so now my house is nice and clean. I'd kind of let it get a bit grungey with everything going on.

I'm still very sad about Missy. Obviously, but with a plumbing fix in sight (only 4 more days!!!) and not seeing my cat litterally starve to death, I'm starting to feel better. I hope this week I can catch up to par. Or at the very least, not get more behind than I still am. Total word count: 17,700.


I did not write yesterday. Tbh, I'm surprised I wrote today but I added about 1000 words for a total of 12,428. Considering I had to put my childhood cat who was living with me down today, that's incredible. So I'm not going to push things and call it a day there.


Welp, I wrote about 1300 during this world crawl bringing me to 11,423 words total. Tbh, I'm very happy with that considering I am /barely/ functioning as a human right now. Turns out not having running water is not only exhausting, it's demoralizing, and makes it hard to think about anything else.


Not going to lie, I was fully prepared not to write at all today. I still have no end in sight for my plumbing issues. They were supposed to call this morning but never did. Anyway! I got back from book club and felt like writing so I did. I added 615 words for a total of 10,103. I'm happy with that. Tomorrow is Word Crawl Wednesday so I should add quite a lot tomorrow too. I'm starting to get over the anger and sadness of having this issue and move into acceptance and action. So I think that's helping. I wasn't crying off and on all day today either so things are looking up...ish. Hopefully, tomorrow, I can get a definite date for getting a plumber here to start doing the work.


Not going to lie, writing today is hard. After yesterday's update I came home to find water spraying out from the undearneath of the undearneath of my sink and my focus and mental capcity is just not there. /sigh. I really do want to hit 11k today but writing is going slow. And the bit of writing I have done so far, like half of it isn't usable because it's just me stream of concious brainstorming about my MC. Oh well, I suppose I'll keep trying at any rate. Word count update: 9488. I don't have it in me to write more. I got terrible news about my plumbing and mostly just want to disappear until November ends. I'm going to stick it out but I am going to disappear the rest of today at least.


I wrote a respectable 2227 words today! Bringing me to a toal of 8544 words. So only a little over par. I was aiming for 9k today but I need to get some other stuff done and I need to think some more on what comes next. Tomorrow I'll aim for 11k to get my 1k cushion back. So far so good!!


No writing today unfortunately. I spent 8 hours at my grandma's cleaning up the absolute pigsty my cousin left behind when he moved out last month. It was disgusting and exhausting so I took a much needed break.


Today I realized that suddenly my story was becoming about the sister (who will get her own book eventually). She was somehow having her own main conflict while the MC was just like standing by and watching. This is a common problem for me but I caught it early!! So, without deleting what I already wrote, I rewrote everything I had and then some. If stuff from before still worked I just put [insert description from XX] instead of fully rewriting or copy pasting but I'm much happier with it now and it's fun to write. Word total is a respectible 6317 \o/


I didn't have as much energy or time to write today so I'm at a solid 4093. Still over the par for the day so I'm happy but only an addtional 600ish words from yesterday.


Well now! I started off strong. I got over 1500 words by 1am today! I love that my NaNo region always does a virtual 11pm-1am kick off. Since today is Wednesday, I also hosted a word crawl in my region's discord server (an holdover from when I was an ML there) and now as I finish writing for the day I'm at 3484. A very solid start to the month.

AND, I'm actually very into my story even if a lot of it is exposition. I'll have to cut most of it eventually. Since I have almost none of this one planned, there's lots of discovery happening and I forgot how fun discovery writing is.


Well, I'm not planning or prepping but I have decided to warm up my writing by writing a fanfic for a prompt fest I'm doing. \o/. tbh, I'll call that a win.

Oh boy! I should definitely be planning/prepping. Since NaNo officially starts tonight. Buttttttt. I just need to write to discover more than I already know about my characters and plot. I do at least have the basics of my characters, the starting point of my story and where it ends. Though the end is a given considering it's a romance. Anyway, if you're reading this. Tell me to go #$*%ing write already.

Story About

Currently, I am writing a sapphic small town contemporary romance! It starts out with two sisters forced to move to a small town. Their uncle gifted them a house there but it's so run down they have to live out of a camper for a while.

Luckily (or more annoyingly for my MC), the woman down the street knows a thing or two about fixer uppers and is willing to help~